March 23 2021
As of today, Monday March 23rd, we have received word from NSTIR that all construction projects will be continuing as scheduled. Tenders are still being issued, and they are working on ensuring safe work practices for weighing and checkers when the time comes to begin.
It is our strong recommendation to you to also consider self health measures. Maintain social distancing of at least 6 feet; carry hand sanitizer with you (wipes etc) and consider wearing gloves when passing paper back and forth to other people. When possible, clean your truck at the end of each shift and consider washing clothes as soon as possible. There are many varying opinions on how long this virus can live on surfaces in varying climates. Please take every precaution to remain well.
RE: COR and Safety
From Construction Services NS:
** CSNS are still providing COR certifications during this time.
For an Owner Operator to gain COR they must complete:
Owner Operator online course
WHIMS 2015 online
Construction Entry Level training (Celt) online
Emergency First Aid training (blended course available from 1st April, the online theory must be completed to gain a temporary certificate and the practical will be conducted at a later date when safe to do so within 90 days)
**All courses offered on Construction Safety website **
“We are processing all internal COR audits as normal as our team are set up remotely to deliver the service. Advisors are available to answer safety concerns in reference to their audits.
As some companies have ceased construction work it is an ideal time to submit or work on their evaluations.
If they are due an external audit, the company can request an extension at this time due to the virus until more knowledge is gained on the length of impact.
Website statement:
For those who have a training certificate or “safety certified accreditation” issued by the Nova Scotia Trucking Safety Association that will expire in the upcoming weeks, please contact us. We are issuing extensions to all training certificates and “safety certified accreditations” for an additional month. This process will be monitored regularly until we are able to conduct in-person meetings, in class training and on-site safety audits.
Website statement:
OHES: No updates listed to date. Contact info can be found HERE
SSNS: No updated posted to date. Contact Info can be found HERE