April 16 2021
Daily Log Sheets for Drivers (1)
Daily Log Sheets for Drivers (2)
In respect to required first aid certifications on contracted worksites for TANS drivers.
COR certificates are extended as per CSNS notification and timeline; new drivers will need to complete the requirements to receive COR as usual (takes 7-10 days to complete).
First Aid Certification is only tied to COR at the date of certification. The driver is responsible to maintain their valid First Aid Certification as per the Regulations after that.
Several providers including CSNS, Red Cross, St John Ambulance are providing first aid training through a blended learning option. First, a theory portion online that will provide a temporary first aid certificate for a period (some are up to 90 days) followed by; second, a practical course to receive a full 3-year certification (driver to verify terms with chosen provider). TIR will not allow trucks to cross the scales without a temporary certificate.
Check with the service providers on the practical training. I believe some may be providing this training as early as next week. Classroom size will be limited in order to maintain the 6 foot distancing.
NSTIR Weekly Newsletter - April 9th
Useful information for the Transportation Industry.
Know the signs of COVID-19. https://novascotia.ca/coronavirus/
This is a great source of information for Federal Support.
Monday, March 30th the Prime Minister announced further details around the 75% wage subsidy to small/medium sized businesses. There are stipulations, such as proving how Covid-19 has impacted your business but this may help provide some additional funds to help maintain your workforce. I am not sure what guidelines you must meet, however, you can inquire to your local MP. The Government of Canada continues to be your best source for accurate and up to date information.
Support For individuals:
I want to highlight the Canada Emergency Response Benefit, CERB. This will pay individuals who qualify $500 per week for up to 4 months. In order to qualify, individuals must have lost their source of income as a result of COVID-19. This includes individuals who have been laid off work, who can't find a job, those required to self-isolate at home, stay home with a family member or are still employed but not being paid. If you have already applied or are on EI for COVID-19, you will be carried over to the new system. The application for CERB will open in early April and can give funds for work lost back to March 15. We will provide the link when it's launched.
For businesses:
We have announced a 75% wage subsidy for qualifying small businesses to help them keep and re-hire staff. Furthermore, businesses will be allowed to defer GST and HST payments, as well as duties and taxes owed on imports, until June. This is the equivalent of giving $30 billion in interest free loans to businesses to help them during this difficult time.
The new Canada Emergency Business Account will provide up to $40,000 in loans to businesses which will be completely free in the first year. Businesses that meet certain conditions will be eligible for a non-repayable $10,000 portion of their loan.An additional $12.5 billion will be made available through Export and Development Canada, meaning businesses will be able to apply for a guaranteed loan they go to their financial institutions to weather the impacts of COVID-19.
Today NS announced their first community spread case. Please exercise caution when possible. I am also attaching for you a graphic I found that lays out a bit of an explanation for the EI benefits that may help you or your employees.
Provincial Hours of Service Exemption set out for transporters of essential products/materials. Here is the webpage link related to this issue: https://novascotia.ca/tran/trucking/Essential-Freight-Transport-Exemption.asp